Based on Ubuntu 15.04 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Jun 25, 2015 03:13 GMT  ·  By

After announcing the implementation of the Fan overlay network system in Ubuntu Linux, Canonical's Ben Howard had the pleasure of introducing the first ever cloud images that contain the new technology.

The images are currently available for testing for the Google Cloud Engine and Amazon AWS (Amazon Web Services) cloud hosting platforms, based on the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) and Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) operating systems.

The Ubuntu Fan images for Google Cloud Engine are currently available in the “ubuntu-os-cloud-devel” project and can be launched by running the commands listed below (first set), while making sure that IPIP traffic is enabled (second set of commands).

$ gcloud compute instances create \
    –image-project ubuntu-os-cloud-devel \
    –image < IMAGE > < NAME >
gcloud compute firewall-rules create fan2 –allow 4 –source-ranges
"My team at Canonical is responsible for the production of these images. Once the official SRU’s land, I anticipate that we will publish an official stream over at But until then, check back here for images and updates," says Ben Howard, an open source and Linux engineer at Canonical.

On the other hand, Ubuntu Fan images for Amazon AWS are currently available for HVM, supporting the 64-bit (amd64) architecture, for various regions, but usable only inside a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). More details can be found in the official announcement.