The timezone detection has been greatly improved

Jul 28, 2016 21:40 GMT  ·  By

The Debian and Enlightenment-based Elive GNU/Linux operating system is still in the Beta stages of development for the upcoming 2.x series, and the devs have recently announced the release of the Elive 2.7.1 Beta milestone.

Release highlights of Elive 2.7.1 Beta include the addition of the popular and cross-platform Audacity audio editor software, which is installed by default in the distribution, along with Google Voice search implementation by using an external or built-in microphone on your PC.

Other changes include great improvements to the timezone detection, support for detecting the latest Microsoft Windows 10 operating system when attempting to dual-boot Elive with Windows on your personal computer, and a newer Linux kernel that includes lots of patches for detecting modern hardware components.

If you're wondering how much time the Elive 2.x series will remain in the Beta stages of development, the developer informs us that it shouldn't be long until the upcoming GNU/Linux distribution hits the stable channels, as he has worked very hard in the past two months to add new features and many improvements.

"Stable soon?: Short answer: yes. I have been working in the two last months in big internal changes which pushed me to take a soon decision on the stable version. You will receive more news about this soon," says the Elive developer in the release announcement.

Until then, you can download the Elive 2.7.1 Beta Live ISO image right now via our website and take the operating system for a test drive if you want to get an early taste. Just please try to keep in mind that this is a pre-release version, not suitable for use as your daily driver.