Check out an awful collection of wallpapers dedicated to Linux distributions

Nov 2, 2012 19:41 GMT  ·  By

There are some people which have misunderstood the purpose and goal of the Linux operating system and have chosen to express their anger in terrible wallpapers.

Quite a few years ago, when Microsoft had a larger market share, a few Linux users took upon themselves to battle the giant. One of the weapons of choice were the wallpapers, with supposedly witty messages.

The industry has evolved and such childish endeavors are no longer admissible. Nonetheless, the testament of those days is still present and we can admire the kitsch of the wallpapers in question, gathered in a nice Tumblr collection.

Beside the puns addressed to Microsoft, people have also chosen to illustrate the Linux background with NSFW images (Not Safe for Work), which lacked both the taste and the inspiration.

One of them is called Linux with a side of Britney. Need we say more? You can check out the Tumblr collection here.