Linux users have been doing the same thing for years, but against Microsoft

Nov 22, 2013 09:43 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft's campaign with anti-Google coffee mugs might seem like something new for the Redmond company, but the truth is that Linux fans have been doing it for years with the same kind of messages.

Following the same path of unoriginal ideas (see how Ubuntu-like logos are popping in Microsoft products), the developers of Microsoft have started a campaign against Google and its practices.

Linux users have been doing the same thing against Microsoft for the past decade, if not more, so it's easy to see how the latter has managed to copy another Linux idea.

Some very interesting mugs have appeared over the years, as you can clearly see from the images posted below. Before Bill Gates left Microsoft's CEO position, the messages were directed at him, but later it became about Windows.

If you know of some good mug examples, please leave a link in the comments below.

Linux mugs (6 Images)

Linux Mug
Linux MugLinux Mug